
Deviled Eggs with Shrimp Vindaloo

Deviled Eggs with Shrimp Vindaloo Serves: 24 portions


  • 24 large eggs
  • 3 Tbsp. salt
  • 24 leaves from Baby Bok Choy
  • 24 – U-16 shrimp, peeled deveined tail on
  • ¾ gallon Shrimp Vindaloo Sauce, from RC Recipe
  • 48 oz. RC “Umamified” Pickled Vegetable Recipe, chopped
  • For the Deviled Eggs
  • reserved cooked egg yolks
  • 6 oz. mayonnaise
  • 8 oz. Vindaloo Sauce, from RC Recipe
  • ½ tsp. RC Umami Sensations® Mirepoix Powder
  • black and white toasted sesame seeds for garnish
  • chopped scallions for garnish


  1. 1 Place eggs in a non-reactive pot and cover with cool water.
  2. 2 Add the salt and bring the eggs to a boil noting the time.
  3. 3 As soon as eggs start to boil, reduce heat and continue cooking for exactly 13 minutes.
  4. 4 Immediately shock cooked eggs in ice water until eggs are cool to touch.
  5. 5 This will ensure eggs are bright yellow and whites are not rubbery.
  6. 6 Peel shell and rinse under cold water. Trim bottom of egg yolk for a base and cut top of hardboiled egg off parallel to base, but low enough to just show some of the cooked yolk.
  7. 7 Pinch the sides of the egg gently and the cooked yolk should pop out.
  8. 8 Reserve cooked egg yolks in a nonreactive bowl.
  9. 9 Use a demitasse spoon if needed. Refrigerate all the cooked egg whites.
  10. 10 Mix cooked egg yolks with mayonnaise, Vindaloo Sauce, from RC Recipe and RC Umami Sensations® Mirepoix Powder until light and creamy and place mixture in a piping bag.
  11. 11 Steam baby bok choy leaves until just tender and shock in an ice bath.
  12. 12 Drain well and keep refrigerated. Heat the Shrimp Vindaloo Sauce, from RC Recipe and cook the shrimp in it until shrimp flesh is pearly and opaque, approximately 10-15 minutes.
  13. 13 Remove Shrimp and cool. Pipe deviled egg yolk filling in egg whites and keep refrigerated.


To plate: Place 2 oz. of the Vindaloo Sauce, from RC Recipe on a plate and pull across the plate with back of a spoon. Place blanched baby bok choy on top of sauce and fill bottom with chopped RC “Umamified” Pickled Vegetable Recipe. Place filled deviled egg on green leaf of bok choy and balance cooked Vindaloo Shrimp on end beside bok choy. Garnish with chopped scallions and black and white sesame seeds.
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